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Venus, Success, Easter Morn, Noel II, Gallilee, Provider

Whitby, Yorkshire.—Early in the morning of the 29th April, 1938, the localfishing fleet put to sea. At 11 A.M. the Venus, Success, Easter Morn, Noel II, Gallilee and Provider were off the Rock Buoy, waiting for the tide to rise. The life-boat coxswain noticed through glasses that the Noel II had a line aboard another boat, and then he saw her fire a distress signal. A strong and increasing N.E. breeze was blowing, with a rough sea which was breaking heavily outside the harbour. The motor life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched at 11.40 A.M., and went to the Noel II. She found that she had lost her rudder and that the Easter Morn was towing her in. She accompanied them towards the harbour.

As they got near the ends of the pier the tow-rope parted. The Noel II was in immediate danger, but the lifeboat passed her another line and towed her into harbour. The life-boat then put out again and escorted in the remaining boats. She returned to her station at 3.15 P.M.—Rewards, £5 9s..