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Sir Henry Sutcliffe Smith, of Bradford

Sir Henry Sutcliffe Smith, who died on 30th March, 1938, at the age of seventy-four, had been associated with the Institution's Bradford branch for seventeen years. He was its honorary treasurer and secretary from 1921 until 1932, and its chairman from 1932 until his death. During those years Brad- ford, besides its regular and generous annual contribution to the funds of the Institution, raised two special funds.

In 1920-22 a fund of £10,000 was raised as a centenary gift to the Institution. Nearly half of this sum was collected by the Chamber of Com- merce, of which Sir Henry Sutcliffe Smith was president in 1919-20. This gift provided the motor life-boat, City of Bradford, which was stationed on the Humber from 1923 to 1929. She was replaced in that year by a more power- ful motor life-boat, City of Bradford II, and towards the cost of this boat Brad- ford contributed a special gift of £4,808.

Sir Henry Sutcliffe Smith was awarded the gold badge of the Institution in 1929, and in 1936 he was appointed an honorary life-governor, the highest honour which the Institution can bestow on an honorary worker and which is. given only for very distin- guished services..