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Pilot Me and Success

Whitby, Yorkshire.—At about 10 A.M.

on the 18th April, 1938, the motor fishing boats Pilot Me and Success put to sea to haul their crab pots. Theweather was showery, and the sea strong. On the flood tide the sea grew worse and broke heavily outside the harbour, making it very dangerous for boats coming in. At 3 P.M. the Pilot Me was seen making for home, and the new motor life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched on her first service.

She met the Pilot Me near Rock Buoy, warned her of the conditions, and escorted her into harbour. The Pilot Me got in safely, although she shipped some very heavy seas, and nearly lost one man overboard. The life-boat put out again and met and safely escorted in the Success. She returned to her station at 5.45 P.M. The life-boat crew were very pleased with their new boat, and the service was watched by several thousands of holiday-makers.— Rewards, £5 9s..