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Jersey Life-Boat's Visit to France

ON July 9th the St. Helier motor life- boat, Howard D. paid a visit to France at the invitation of La Socie'te' des Hospitaliers Sauveteurs Bretons. The visit was made possible by the good offices of Mons. J. Delalande, French consul-general in Jersey. On board her were Lieut.-Commander T. Le B.

Pirouet, the honorary secretary, and members of the Jersey life-boat com- mittee. They took with them letters of greeting from the Lieutenant- Governor of Jersey and the Bailiff of Jersey, the two patrons of the Jersey branch. The sea was rough, but the life-boat did the journey of 35 miles from St. Helier to St. Malo in 4| hours.

She was met by the St. Malo life-boat, and the party were received by Mons, Leon Berthaut, president of the Breton Society, Mons. G. Lepeer, president of the St. Malo branch, and other officials. At the town hall they were welcomed by the Mayor of St. Malo.

A statuette of a British life-boatman was presented to the St. Malo branch of the Breton Society, and its president presented to the Jersey branch the society's medallion.

On the following day a conference was held to arrange co-operation be- tween the Jersey, Guernsey and St.

Malo life-boat stations for the protection of aircraft. The conference was fol- lowed by a banquet, and in the after- noon, after the St. Malo and Jersey life-boats had been inspected, they both left for Dinard, where they were received by the Mayor and Mons. Le Commandant Casimir, president of the Dinard branch, A demonstration was given of life-saving apparatus and equipment, and at five o'clock the Howard D. left for Jersey, escorted for the first few miles by the St. Malo life-boat, in charge of Mons. Le Capi- taine Bourges. The return journey was made with a very heavy sea running and took 4j hours. Before the Jersey life-boat left, an invitation was given to the St. Malo life-boat to pay a visit to Jersey..