Advanced search


Wicklow.—During the evening of the 1st June, 1938, the motor yacht Cygnet, of Dublin, with a man and a boy on board, was caught by bad weather E.S.E. of Wicklow Head. Her steeringgear was damaged and she began to make water. A moderate N.E. gale was blowing, with a heavy sea, heavy rain and hail. The harbour-master reported that the Cygnet was in difficulties and the motor life-boat Lady Kylsant was launched at 8.10 P.M. It was then one hour after low water, and she grounded at the bottom of the slipway. She was soon refloated, however, with the help of ninety to a hundred men on the pier, pulling on her cable. She reached the Cygnet at 9 P.M., escorted her into harbour, and returned to her station at 10 P.M.

Owing to the heavy seas on the slipway she could not immediately be rehoused, and was left at moorings.—Rewards, £10 55..