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An Aircraft

Shoreham Harbour, Sussex.—During the night of the 31st March, 1938, the coastguard reported that an aircraft had come down in the sea off Brighton, and was firing Very lights. A light west breeze was blowing, with a slight sea. The motor life-boat Rosa Woodd and Phyllis Lunn was launched at 11.5 P.M., and found the Royal Air Force sea-plane K.4199, from Calshot, in a dangerous position near the West Pier.

She took her in tow and made forShoreham. Meanwhile an R.A.F.

motor launch had been sent out from Calshot. She came up with the lifeboat at 2.40 A.M. and took over the tow. The life-boat then made for home, and arrived at her station at 3 A.M.—Rewards, £15 7*. 6d..