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Veravia, of London

Dungeness, Kent.—At 2.15 P.M. on the 13th February, 1938, a local fisherman and the coastguard reported that a barge at anchor in East Bay was flying a distress signal. The sea was very rough, with a moderate N.N.E. gale blowing, and snow squalls. The motor life-boat Charles Cooper Henderson was launched at 2.30 P.M. and found the barge to be the Veravia, of London, bound laden for Newport, Isle of Wight, with a crew of two. The master said that one anchor chain had parted and he wanted help to get out of the bay.

A rope was made fast and with the help of the life-boat the Veravia reached Newhaven about midnight.

The life-boat returned to her station the following day, arriving at 2.20 P.M.

—Property Salvage Case..