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The Institution's Expenditure at a Glance

How each £100 of the Institution's Expenditure was laid out in 1937.

£ s. d.

67 4 0 m mi—mmm — mmm- —i —*—— — Construction, Repairs, Upkeep and Inspection of Life- boats and Life-boat Stations.

15 12 0 M Payments to Life-boat Crews.

14 0 0 _ _ _ Propaganda and Publicity at Headquarters and 1,063 Branches.

340™ Administration.

£100 0 0 (For full Statement of Expenditure see pages 524 and 526.) The Institution's Income at a Glance.

How each £100 of the Institution's Income was obtained in 1937.

£ s. d.

40 14 0 _ _I H Subscriptions, Donations, and Life- boat Days.

34 8 0 mmmmmm m m mt Legacies.

15 7 0 ( BHMI K Income from Investments.

800 ,«_ Special Gifts.

Ill OK Other Sources.

£100 0 0 (For full Statement of Income see pages 525 and 527.).