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Richmond Castle

Broughty Ferry, Angus.—At 7.15 P.M.

on the 30th January, 1938, the harbourmaster reported that a vessel between Monifieth and Lady Buoy, in the mouth of the Tay, was firing distress signals.

A S.W. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea and showers of sleet.

The motor life-boat Mona was launched at 7.24 P.M., and found the steam trawler Richmond Castle, of Dundee, aground about one mile N. by E. from Lady Buoy. She was returning from the fishing grounds, had sprung a leak, and had seven feet of water in her engineroom.

At the master's request. thelife-boat sent, by means of her radio, a message for a tug, but as the tide rose the Richmond Castle began to make water rapidly and developed a big list to port. The life-boat immediately ran alongside and rescued the crew of eight. Two of them she took to Tayport, the remainder to Broughty Ferry. She returned to her station at 12.45 A.M. on the 31st.—Rewards, £13 Is..