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King Edgar

The Humber, Yorkshire.—Just after 9 P.M. on the 14th February, 1938, the life-boatman on watch reported a large steamer aground on the Inner Binks. The sea was rough, with an E.N.E. wind and snow squalls. At 9.30 P.M. the motor life-boat City of Bradford II was launched, and found the vessel to be the King Edgar, of London, a steamer of 4,500 tons, laden with railway sleepers and bound from Vancouver to Immingham. The coxswain went on board her and it was decided that the life-boat should stand by, as tugs had already been sent for.

At 2 A.M., when the flood was at its strongest, the vessel refloated without help and went on her way to Immingham.

The life-boat reached her station again at 3 A.M.—Property Salvage Case..