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Are Life-Boat Days a Nuisance?

THE thousands who collect for the Institution on life-boat days and who are sometimes told by those to whom they appeal that " these flag days are a perfect nuisance " may find a useful reply in the following letter, which appeared in the Bath Chronicle and Herald on 10th May.

Sir,—As a collector for the Royal National Life-boat Institution on Saturday morning the words "These flag days are a perfect nuisance " set me thinking. I would be grateful if you can find space for enclosed lines in your paper at your earliest con- venience : A NAMESAKE OF Bath. GRACE DARLING.

When one finds oneself in a sinking ship Is the life-boat a nuisance then ? Did you mean those words as you let them slip ? When one finds oneself in a sinking ship, Afar from shore on a pleasure trip, Should one not bless the life-boat men ? When one finds oneself in a sinking ship Is the life-boat a nuisance then ? G. D..