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A Lighter

Padstow, Cornwall.—During the afternoon of the 24th January, 1938, the coastguard reported a lighter drifting five to six miles N.N.W. of Trevose Head. It was not known whether there was anyone on board. A fresh S.W. breeze was blowing, and as two vessels were due to arrive at Padstow, and no other suitable boat was available, it was decided to send out the No. 2 motor life-boat Princess Mary. She put off at 4.30 P.M., and reached the lighter about an hour later. She took her in tow, but it was not until midnight that she reached the inner harbour at Padstow. The lighter was moored there to await a tug. Later it was learned that the lighter had been in tow of a tug from Plymouth to Bristol, but the tow had parted early on the night of the 23rd, and the tug had gone on to Bristol. Mr. Wilton, the branch honorary secretary, accompanied the life-boat on this service.— Property Salvage Case..