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The Motor Sprat Boat Terry

Lowestoft, Suffolk.—At 4.8 P.M. on the 1st November, 1937, the coastguard reported that a motor sprat boat was in distress off Pakefield.

She was the Terry, of Lowestoft, homeward bound laden with sprats and carrying a crew of three. Her engine had broken down and she was dragging her anchor towards the shore. A moderate E.N.E. gale was blowing, with a very rough sea and heavy rain squalls. The motor life-boat Agnes Cross was launched at 4.13 P.M. and found the Terry about thirty yards from the breakers on the foreshore. She got between her and the shore, passed lines, and towed her clear of the ground swell. Life-belts were passed to the three men, who were exhausted from their efforts to keep her afloat, and the life-boat towed her into harbour. The life-boat returned to her station at 5.57 P.M.—Rewards, £26 3s..