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The Bull Light-Vessel

Humber, Yorkshire.—At 10.45 P.M. on the same day, the 21st October, 1937, the motor life-boat City of Bradford II was again launched, as the life-boat watchman reported that two maroons had been fired in the direction of the Bull Light-vessel. A gentle S. breeze was blowing, with a smooth sea, and there was a dense fog. With some difficulty the life-boat found the lightvessel, and went alongside. The coxswain went on board and found that the light-vessel had been struck by another vessel which had gone on her way. She was damaged on her starboard bow, and had broken from her moorings. The life-boat helped to get the broken mooring-chain on board, arid stood by until it was found that the light-vessel was not leaking. She then made for her station, arriving at3.15 A.M.—Rewards, 18s. Permanent paid crew..