Tern and the Trinity Vessel Reculver
Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.
—At 8.45 A.M. on the 18th November, 1937, the coastguard reported that the motor vessel Tern, of London, appeared to be showing signals about one and a half miles E.N.E. from Britannia Pier.
As a strong E. by N. breeze was blowing, with a rough sea, the motor life-boat John and Mary Meiklam of Gladswood put out at 9.55 A.M. She found that the Tern did not need any help. It was noticed that she had two lanterncages at the masthead which may have been taken for signals. After the life-boat left the Tern the Fishery Protection Boat spoke her and said that the Trinity vessel Reculver, which was marking the wreck of the barge Lord Rosebery, was in need of help.
The captain of the Reculver asked the coxswain if he would land six men whom he was bringing ashore from the Cross Sand Light-vessel, after their spell of duty, and whom he had had on board since Sunday, owing to heavy weather.
The life-boat went alongside, took off the men, and returned ashore, arriving at noon.—Rewards, £11 16s..