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Pilot Cutter No. 3

Blyth, Northumberland. — At^ 1.48 A.M. on the 22nd December, 1937, the coastguard telephoned that Pilot Cutter No. 3 was ashore in Blyth Bay, and that a tug had gone out to her. Owing to poor visibility, he could not see where she was. A little later he reported that the cutter was blowing for help, and the motor life-boat Joseph Adlam was launched at 2.15 A.M. A strong S.E. breeze was blowing, with a heavy sea. ' The life-boat found the pilot cutter ashore about half a mile south of the piers, and after some manoeuvring passed her a tow-rope. She tried for some time to tow her clear, but was unable to do it. She then passed the rope to the tug, which had backed in in answer to her signals. The tug got the pilot cutter off and towed her back to Blyth, accompanied by the life-boat.

The life-boat returned to her station at 5.30 A.M. The Blyth pilots, who are annual subscribers, gave a special donation of £12 12*. in recognition of this service.—Rewards, £12 12*..