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Maurita, of Lancaster

Blackpool, Lancashire.—At 10.35 P.M.

on the llth December, 1937, the proprietor of an hotel on the south shore reported to the coxswain that a vessel off the shore, about a mile south of the south pier, was sending up rockets.

After the distress signals had been confirmed, the new motor life-boat Sarah Ann Austin was launched at 11.20 P.M., the honorary secretary, Alderman C. E. Tatham, accompanying her. The wind at this time was a strong N.N.W. breeze, with a heavy surf. The life-boat fouqd the coasting steamer Maurita, of Lancaster, bound in ballast from Lancaster to Liverpool, and carrying a crew of five. Her steering-gear had broken and her engineroom was flooded to a depth of eight feet. The life-boat rescued her crew and landed them at 12.30 A.M. She then returned to the central beach at 3 A.M., and was rehoused at 5.30 A.M.

The new life-boat is reported to have behaved excellently. The Maurita got off the following day. A letter ofthanks was received from the owners.— Rewards, £21 17s. 6d..