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Helen Birch, of Hull,

Wells, Norfolk.—About 1.30 P.M. on the 8th December, 1937, information was received from a man and from the coastguard that a ship was flying a distress signal, and the motor life-boat Royal Silver Jubilee 1910-1935 was launched at 2.50 P.M., after being drawn two miles over the sands by the motor tractor. It was found that the motor vessel was the Helen Birch, of Hull, carrying a crew of four and bound, with a cargo of wheat, for Wells. At the captain's request the life-boatstood by. As the tide flowed the weather became squally, with hail and sleet, and the seas, which had been moderate, became very rough. They swept the Helen Birch broadside on on to the sands, and carried her into a channel. The life-boat then piloted her into deep water. A life-boatman was put on board and eventually the Helen Birch was brought safely to harbour. The life-boat was returned to her house at 9.40' P.M.—Property Salvage Case..