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A Difficult Launch at Exmouth

At 5.30 in the morning of 15th January, 1938, the life-boat station at Exmouth, Devon, was informed that rockets had been seen off Lyme Regis, and it was decided to launch the motor life-boat Catherine Harriet Eaton. A gale was blowing from the south-west against the spring ebb tide, making a very heavy sea in the bay. A big bank of sand had formed on the beach and this and the heavy seas made the work of launching extremely diffi- cult. Thirty-two launchers took part, the honorary secretary and honorary treasurer of the station wading out to encourage them, and it was not until the fourth attempt that the launchers succeeded in getting the life-boat away.

It was then 6.45 in the morning. For six hours the life-boat searched in the gale, but could find no vessel in distress.

She returned to her station at 1.45 in the afternoon.

It was a launch carried out with courage and great determination, and the Institution has made the following awards : To COXSWAIN THOMAS M. HORN, the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and framed ; To the coxswain and each of the six members of the crew a reward of £1 in addition to the ordinary scale reward of £1 8s. Qd., making a reward of £2 8s. Qd. to each man; To each of the thirty-two launchers a reward of 5s. in addition to the ordinary scale reward of 6s. Qd., making a reward of 11s. 9d. to each launcher. Standard rewards to crew and helpers, £20 ISs.Qd.; additional rewards to crew and helpers, £15. Total rewards, £35 18s. ; To CAPTAIN C. P. SHRUBS, the honorary secretary, and Mr. J. G.

MOORE, the honorary treasurer, both of whom were ill as a result of their exertions and exposure, letters of appreciation..