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The Sailing Boat Mary Anne

Yarmouth, Isle of Wight.—At about 9.20 P.M. on the 6th September it was reported that a boy and a girl had left Lymington for Yarmouth some hours earlier in the sailing boat Mary Anne, but had not arrived. The honorary secretary, Captain A. G. Cole, put off in a motor boat with another man, but no trace of the boat could be found. On their return at 10.20 P.M.

the reserve motor life-boat Hearts of Oak, which was on temporary duty at the station, put out to search. A light breeze was blowing, with a smooth sea.

The life-boat found the Mary Anne half a mile east of Hampstead Ledge buoy, becalmed and drifting eastward.

She towed her into harbour, and returned to her station at 11.55 P.M.— Rewards, £7 165..