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Ski Queen

Hastings, Sussex.—At 9.25 P.M. on the 29th July the coastguard reported that a small motor boat, with two men on board, was in distress half a mile west of Fairlight look-out. A b'ght S.E.

breeze was blowing, with a lumpy sea. The motor life-boat Cyril and Lilian Bishop was launched at 9.47 P.M., with the honorary secretary, Commander W. Highfield, R.N., on board, and found the boat to be the speedboat Ski Queen, of St. Leonards. Her engines had broken down, and she was at anchor near the shore, over a ledge of rocks. The life-boat took off the two men and transferred two life-boatmen to the speed-boat, which she then took in tow to Hastings. She returned to her station at 11.15 P.M.—Rewards, £36 12s. 6d..