Hilbre Island, Cheshire.—Shortly before 6 P.M. on the 23rd July information was received from Hilbre, through the Mersey Dock Board, that a yacht was in distress on Salisbury Bank. A strong, squally breeze was blowing from the N.N.W., with rain and a rough sea. At 6.23 P.M. the pulling and sailing life-boat Chapman was launched. She found that the sailing yacht Seabird, with a crew of two, bound from Rhyl to the Mersey, had been forced -to turn back through stress of weather. Her jib had blown away and she had stranded in a dangerous position. The life-boat took off the two people on board and brought the yacht into Hilbre Pool. The owner made a donation to the Institution.— Rewards, £19 17s. 9d..