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Polly Johnson and Scarron

Humber, Yorkshire. — During the afternoon of the 27th August the Mablethorpe coastguard reported,through the Spurn Point signal station, that two trawlers had been in collision ten miles north of the Humber and that one of them was sinking. They were the Polly Johnson, of Hull, and the Scarron, of Grimsby, both bound for the fishing grounds. The breeze was light and the sea smooth when the motor life-boat City of Bradford II was launched at 3.20 P.M. She sighted the trawlers about fifteen miles north, and spoke the Polly Johnson. She was badly damaged, but able to get back to the Humber without help.

The life-boat then went to the Scarron, which was very extensively damaged and apparently sinking. The skipper said that the bulkhead was holding and that all his pumps were working.

An injured man was transferred to the life-boat, and she then stood by in company with another trawler which had arrived. At 8 P.M. a tug came up, with representatives of the trawler's owners on board. They asked the life-boat to escort the Scarron into the Humber, as she was likely to sink at any moment. The life-boat did so as far as the Bull light vessel, where another tug came up, and the Scarron was taken in tow, stern first. The life-boat went to Grimsby, where the injured man was landed, and returned to her station at 3 A.M. on the 28th.—Rewards 9s.; Permanent paid crew..