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Naming of the St. Helier, Jersey, Life-Boat

THE Institution has replaced the pulling and sailing life-boat at St. Helier, Jersey, this year with a motor life-boat of the light Liverpool type, described on page 392. The new boat has been built out of a gift of £3,250 from Mr.

T. B. Davis, of London and St. Helier, owner of the yacht Westward. He made the gift after reading the life- boat book Launch ! by Major-General the Right Hon. Lord Mottistone, P.C., C.B., C.M.G:, D.S.O., a vice-president of the Institution and ex-coxswain of the Brooke, Isle of Wight, life- boat.

St. Helier has had a life-boat station since 1884. Its life-boats have been launched on service fourteen times and have rescued three lives.

The naming ceremony took place on August 19th. Rear-Admiral C. L.

Lewin, chairman of the branch, pre- sided, and His Excellency the Lieuten- ant-Governor, Major-General H. de C. MarteUi, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., attended the ceremony. At the special request of the donor, the life-boat was named by Lady Mottistone. Sea Scouts provided a guard of honour.

Lord Mottistone, on behalf of the donor and the Institution, presented the life-boat to the island of Jersey. She was accepted on behalf of the island by the Bailiff, Mr. A. M. Coutanche, who formally handed her over to the branch, on whose behalf she was accepted by Rear-Admiral C. L. Lewin.

The service of dedication was conducted by the Dean of Jersey, the Very Rev.

Samuel Falle, M.A., the hymns being accompanied by the Salvation Army Band.

Lady Mottistone then named the life-boat Howard D., in memory of the donor's son, Mr. H. Davis, who died in the war.

A vote of thanks to Lady Mottistone was proposed by Mrs. H. H. Hulton, honorary secretary of the Jersey Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and seconded by Mr.

T. R. Blampied, honorary secretary of the branch..