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Port St. Mary, Isle of Man.—At 3.25 P.M. on the 19th September the Castletown coastguard telephoned that Langness lighthouse-keepers had reported a rowing boat with three people on board being carried out to sea by the strong current off Langness. A fresh and increasing north breeze was blowing, with a choppy sea. The motor life-boat Sir Heath Harrison was launched at 6.30 P.M., and found the boat, the Amin, of Derbyhaven, with three young men on board, four miles south of Langness Point. The boat had shipped a lot of water, and the young men were very much distressed.

They were taken on board the life-boat and their boat was towed into Derbyhaven.

The life-boat returned to her station at 6.30 P.M. A donation was made to the Institution in appreciation of this service.—Rewards, £8 8s..