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Ais Giorgis

Humber, Yorkshire.—During a fog on the morning of the 3rd October the Spurn Point Royal Naval Shore Signal Station reported an unknown vessel ashore near Kilnsea beacon. She was the Greek steamer Ais Giorgis, of Piraeus, bound with a cargo of timber from the White Sea for Grimsby and Hull. She carried a crew of twentyone.

The breeze was light, but there was a swell on the beach. The motor life-boat City of Bradford II was launched at 8.45 A.M., put four men on board the steamer and then ran out' an anchor for her. When the tide flowed the four men hove on the steamer's winch. The anchor held and the steamer was refloated. She went on her way, and the life-boat returned to her station at 3 P.M.— Property Salvage Case..