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A Centenarian's Last Gift

THE Institution has received from the family of Mrs. Barber, of Haslemere, Surrey, who died in June at the age of 102, a gift of twelve guineas. - This gift is the response, from twenty-nine of her family and friends, to Mrs.

Barber's last request that they should send contributions to her life-boat fund instead of flowers for her funeral. One of her friends has also promised to send the Institution each year a gift on Mrs. Barber's birthday in memory of her. Mrs. Barber had been a supporter of the life-boat service for many jrears.

Up to the end she not only subscribed to but collected for it, and helped it by the sale of her own knitting. She came from Northumberland, where in her young days she saw many wrecks and life-boat rescues, and at her request this last gift has been credited to the Boulmer branch..