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The S.S. Sudsee

Ramsgate, Kent.—During the morning of the 10th April the Brake lightvessel, on the Goodwin Sands, reported, through the coastguard, that a steamer was aground about a mile and a half E.

half S. from her. A moderate S.S.W.

breeze was blowing, with rain showers.

The sea was smooth. The motor lifeboat Prudential was launched at 11.54 A.M., and found the s.s. Sudsee, of Bremerhaven, at anchor about three miles E. by S. of the light-vessel. She had hit the sands, but had screwed off into deep water again. The life-boat stood by for some time, while the Siidsee hove up her anchor and got clear of the sands. She returned to her station at 3.20 P.M.—Rewards, £5 8s..