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The S.S. St. Patrick

Fishguard, Pembrokeshire. — During the morning of the 28th February the Great Western Railway local marine superintendent asked if the motor lifeboat White Star would place a crew on board the railway's s.s. St. Patrick, which was lying at a mooring-buoy in the harbour. She had parted her cable and was being held only by a wire rope. A whole northerly gale wasblowing, with a moderate sea, and the life-boat was the only suitable boat available. She was launched at 11.50 A.M., and put the crew on board; she then anchored under the lee of the north breakwater, as it was impossible to rehouse her until the weather moderated. During the afternoon she was hailed and asked to take a crew to a Great Western Railway tug which also was lying in the harbour. This she did and was made fast to the stern of the tug for the night. The crew remained on board. Next day the weather moderated and the lifeboat was rehoused at 6.15 P.M. The owners made a donation to the Institution.

—Rewards, £7 7s..