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The S.S. Fermanagh

Portpatrick, Wigtownshire. — 12th March. The motor life-boat J. and W.

was launched at 1.30 P.M. as the coastguard had reported that a vessel in Luce Bay was flying distress signals.

A strong S.E. gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea and a blinding snowstorm.

The life-boat searched for some hours without finding any sign of a vessel in distress, and put in to Portwilliam for further information. It was learned that the s.s. Fermanagh, of Belfast, had grounded in Auchenmalg Bay, about six miles north, and did not then want any help. The lifeboat therefore set out for her station, and arrived at 12.30 A.M. on the 13th, having been on service for eleven hours.

A letter of appreciation was sent to the branch.—Rewards, £19 15s. 6d..