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The Coronation

LIFE-BOAT HOUSE. LONDON, was decor- ated and illuminated in celebration of the Coronation of Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, Patrons of the Institution.

Sixty life-boat stations were supplied with sets of the international code of signals and house flags so that they could be dressed on Coronation Day. A number of them gave displays in the local pageants or took part in the process- ions, and, as will be seen from " News from the Branches," some financial branches arranged life-boat tableaux.

A number of gifts were sent to the Institution to mark the Coronation.

An anonymous gift of £25 comes from " Esperanto" in Scotland. Several came from Christian Science churches in this country, and one from a Christian Science group in India.

Yet another anonymous gift came with the quotation "To save life is better than building a pagoda.".