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Miss Ethel Hopkins, B.A., Folkestone

By the death of Miss Ethel Hopkins, B.A., on 21st June last, the Institution has lost one of its most devoted and suc- cessful honorary workers. For nearly ten years she was the honorary sec- retary, first of the Women's Auxiliary of the Folkestone branch, and then of the branch itself. She brought to the work great ability and whole-hearted enthusiasm. Difficulties only inspired her to greater efforts and when one year-the permission to hold a life-boat day was refused she set herself to get the money in other ways, with such success that, without the help of the life-boat day (which would have brought in over £100) she col- ected £130 more than in the previous year. In 1933 she was awarded the Institution's gold badge, given only for distinguished honorary service. Her last gift to the Institution was a legacy of £100..