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Anstruther, Fifeshire.—At 6.20 A.M.

on the 13th April the coastguard telephoned that an SOS had been received from a vessel ashore on May Island. She was the steamer Island, of Copenhagen, bound, with about sixty-seven passengers and crew on board, from Copenhagen for the Faroes and Iceland. She had struck in a bad position on the S.E. side of the island, and was making water. The motor life-boat Nellie and Charlie was launched at 6.38 A.M., and reached the steamer about half an hour later.

She took off twenty-five passengers and landed them at Anstruther at 8.45 A.M.

At 10 A.M. she put out again, taking back two men, members of a scientific expedition, who had valuable apparatus and records on board, and who wanted to see to the recovery of them. She took off two more passengers and the greater part of the passengers' luggage, and returned to Anstruther at 12.45 P.M. The captain of the Island had asked the life-boat to return to him, and so at 1.55 P.M. she put out for the third time. She found that the Fishery Board cruiser Brenda had arrived some time earlier and was taking off the remaining passengers, crew and mail-bags. The life-boat stood by, and later took the captain, mate and two of the crew of the Avrecked steamer from the Brenda and landed them on May Island. She thenmade for home and arrived at her station again at 6.10 P.M.—Rewards, £5 19s and Property Salvage Case..