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Ballycotton, Co. Cork.—At 11.50 A.M.

on the 16th March the Civic Guard telephoned that a man had reported a sailing vessel in difficulties in Ballycroneen Bay. A moderate southerly gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea and squalls of rain. The motor life-boat Mary Stanford was launched at noon, shipping very heavy seas on her way to the bay. Three miles W.S.W. of Ballycotton lighthouse she found the motor ketch Garlingstone, of Milford Haven, trying, with the help of her auxiliary engine, to beat out of the bay. The life-boat stood by while she managed slowly to get away from the shore, and kept with her until she was about three miles out. The Garlingstone was then out of danger and the life-boat made for her station, arriving at 3 P.M.—Rewards, £7 7s. 6d..