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Gallilee, Victory and Provider

Whitby, Yorkshire.—The fishing fleet put to sea early in the morning of the llth March, but the weather got bad, and by 11 A.M. all but three boats had returned. A strong east breeze was blowing, with a heavy sea and heavy showers of snow. The motor life-boat Margaret Harker Smith was launched at noon, when the motor fishing boat Gallilee could be seen off the harbour, and escorted her in through the dangerous entrance. She put off again and this time brought in the Victory. She was then moored to the Fish Quay until 2.45 P.M., when the third boat, the Provider, was seen, and going out for the third time she escorted her in. She returned to her station at 3.30 P.M.—Rewards, £9 4s. Qd..