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Eastbourne Life-Boat Museum

MKS. ASTLEY ROBERTS, the president and chairman of the Eastbourne Ladies' Life-boat Guild, has presented the Institution with a four-sided illu- minated electric clock, to stand on the roof of the old life-boathouse, which is now the Eastbourne Life-boat Museum.

With the clock is a plaque bearing this inscription : " This clock was presented to the Eastbourne Life-boat Museum in 1937 to commemorate the Coronation of His Majesty King George VI, Patron of the Royal National Life-boat Insti- tution, by Mrs. Astley Roberts, Presi- dent and Chairman of the Eastbourne Ladies' Life-boat Guild, a life-boat worker since 1895, and an Honor- ary Life-Governor of the Institution." Years ago Mrs. Astley Roberts pro- vided in her will for a legacy to the Institution. When she heard that the old life-boathouse was to become a Museum she thought of turning her legacy into an immediate gift, if "a clock for the Museum would be accept- able to the Institution and would be of use to the town. The offer was grate- fully accepted by the Institution and warmly welcomed by the town, for there was no prominent public clock near the Wish Tower end of the parade.

On 16th July Mrs. Astley Roberts formally presented the clock and un- veiled the plaque.

Mr. Ernest Armstrong, president of the branch and a member of the com- mittee of management of the Institu- tion, thanked Mrs. Astley Roberts on behalf of the branch and the Institu- tion. The clock would be a lasting record of her splendid service for the life-boats. The Mayor thanked her on behalf of the town and said that the clock would be a reminder of a very gracious lady who was taking part not only in the great work of the life-boat service, but in many other charitable causes..