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Vierge Marie

Penlee, Cornwall.—At 7.40 A.M. on the llth January the police reported a wreck under Tregiffian cliffs. A strong S.S.W. breeze was blowing, with a heavy sea, and the weather was thick. The motor life-boat W. and S.

was launched at 8 A.M., and found the motor trawler Vierge Marie, of Ostend, ashore and being pounded heavily by the seas. The life-boat found three men in the sea. They were rescued and artificial respiration was applied. There was no sign of the rest of the crew, so the life-boat made,for Newlyn, where the three men were landed. Unfortunately only one of the three revived, and he .died later. The lifeboat returned to her station at 9.30 A.M. The trawler had been making for Newlyn from the fishing grounds, with a crew of six on board. Of the other three men, two had managed to scramble ashore, but the third had been drowned. The Belgian Government sent its thanks to the Institution.

—Rewards, £12 6s..