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The S.S Toran

Aith, Shetland.—At 7.15 A.M. on the 24th January the Lerwick post office telephoned a message received from Wick Radio Station that the s.s.

Toran, of Hamburg, sheltering in St.

Magnus Bay, was calling for a doctor.

A whole S.E. gale was blowing, with a rough sea, and no ordinary boat could leave harbour. The motor mechanic boarded the life-boat and tried to speak to the Toran by wireless telephone, but was unsuccessful, as she was using wireless telegraphy. He got into touch with Wick Radio, however, and got more definite information.

The motor life-boat The Rankin embarked a doctor and a nurse, and put out at 8.30 A.M. It was found that the captain of the Toran was suffering from acute appendicitis. He was taken ashore, and rushed to the hospital at Lerwick, where he was operated upon immediately. The life-boat returned to her station at noon.—Rewards, £6 17s. 6d..