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The Southport and St. Anne's Disaster

DECEMBER 9th of last year was the fiftieth anniversary of the great disaster on the Lancashire coast when the life-boats at Southport and St. Anne's were both capsized, with the loss of 27 lives, in an attempt to rescue the crew of the barque Mexico. In memory of these men the Mayor and Mayoress of Southport both placed wreaths on the memorial which stands on the promenade. At Lytham-St. Anne's the Mayor gave an informal party, at which the principal guests were Mr.

Edward Parkinson (aged 84) and Mr.

John William Parkinson (aged 74) two of the three men still alive of the Lytham crew which also went out and rescued the crew of the Mexico. The third survivor, Mr. Thomas Hardman (aged 79), was prevented by illness from being present. He died a few months later. Many articles in the Lancashire Press recalled that day of disaster.

An article on it was published in the issue of The Life-boat for last December..