The Institution's Oldest and Youngest Supporters
THE Institution has again received her annual subscription from a lady in Dumfriesshire who is now in her 106th year. Three years ago she doubled her subscription, feeling that her next year's subscription was un- certain. She has again doubled it, and has written in her own hand to say that she is doing it, " being grieved by reading of the year's disasters." The Institution has also again re- ceived a cheque from a lady in Surrey who is now in her 102nd year. Hercheque is in part her subscription, in part money which she has collected and in part the proceeds of her own knitting.
At Hindley, near Wigan, where there is a Ladies' Life-boat Guild with 140 members, men are admitted to membership as a special mark of esteem. At the last annual meeting of the guild two more men were enrolled, introduced by their grandmother, who paid their subscriptions. One was ten months old and the other seven weeks..