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Royal Charter and Our Maggie

Scarborough, Yorkshire.—During the morning of the 24th January the motor fishing boat Royal Charter, of Grimsby, and the local motor fishing coble Our Maggie left Scarborough for the fishing grounds. By 1.15 P.M. a strong gale was blowing from the S.E., with a very heavy sea. At 1.25 P.M. the motor life-boat Herbert Joy II was launched to look for the boats. She found the Royal Charter about two miles N.E., and escorted her back to harbour. She put out again, but was unable to find the Our Maggie, and returned to see if she had run for Whitby. She had not, but the coastguard had seen her N.E. from Scarborough, and so the life-boat put off for a third time. She met the Our Maggie about a mile out and escorted her safely back, through a very heavy sea. The life-boat returned to her station at 4 P.M.— Rewards, £19 14s. 6d..