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Pilot Me, Provider, Venus, Gallilee and Progress

Whitby, Yorkshire.—Several fishingboats went to sea early on the morning of the 19th January. When they were due to return the sea was breaking over the harbour entrance, which was made more dangerous by the riverwater running very strongly out of the harbour. A fresh N.W. breeze was blowing. The No. 1 motor lifeboat Margaret Harker Smith was launched at noon, and escorted in the Pilot Me and then the Provider, which hit the East Pier on the way in. After going off and warning two other boats not to attempt the crossing until the tide flowed she moored alongside the Fish Quay at 3.30 P.M. She then went out again and escorted in the Venus, Gallilee and Progress, and later two other boats. She returned to her station at 5.30 P.M. — Rewards, £12 8s. 3d..