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Luda Lady

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.

—At 1.40 A.M. on the 20th January the coastguard reported that a steamer appeared to be ashore three miles N.E.

of Britannia Pier. A gentle W.S.W.

breeze was blowing, and the sea was breaking heavily on the sands. The reserve motor life-boat J, B. Proudfoot, on temporary duty at Gorleston, put out at 1.50 A.M., and found the steam trawler Luda Lady, of Grimsby, hard aground on Scroby Bight. Shecarried a crew of ten, and was bound from Grimsby for the fishing grounds.

The life-boat stood by, and at low water the trawler was nearly dry.

When the tide flowed she tried to launch a small boat, with the intention of running out an anchor, but heavy seas made this impossible. A tug arrived, the life-boat passed lines between her and the trawler; and at about 3 P.M. the trawler was towed off.

The life-boat escorted her into harbour, and returned to her station at 4.30 P.M.—Property Salvage Case..