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Life-Saving By the Coastguard 1936

DURING 1936 the coastguard took action in the case of 806 vessels or aircraft reported to be in distress, in difficulties, or overdue off the coast of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The rocket life-saving apparatus com- panies were assembled for service 79 times, and 98 people were brought to safety by their help.

In addition 119 vessels which were seen to be standing into danger were warned by the coastguard and altered course.

Help was given to 54 persons in difficulties on cliffs and 22 cut off by the tide.

The Board of Trade shield for the best service of the year by & rocket life-saving apparatus company was awarded to the Robin Hood's Bay company for bringing to safety five members of the crew of the s.s.

Heatherfield, of Liverpool, which had stranded at North Cheek, Robin Hood's Bay, Yorkshire, on January 25th..