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Hilda and Royal Charter

Scarborough, Yorkshire.—The motor life-boat Herbert Joy II was launched at 8.40 A.M. on the 28th February, as it had been reported that the local motor fishing coble Hilda was at sea, and though the breeze was light there was a very rough sea, making the approach to the harbour very dangerous for small boats. The life-boat found the Hilda about a mile and a half E.S.E. of Scarborough, with three men and a boy on board. The boy was taken into the life-boat, and the men were given life-belts. The lifeboat then escorted the Hilda back to Scarborough, and after pouring oil on the sea outside the harbour entrance, to lessen the effect of the waves, took her safely in. She returned to her station at 10.30 A.M. It was known that the motor fishing boat Royal Charter, of Grimsby, was at sea, and at about 1.30 P.M. the coastguard reported that she was about a mile and a half N.E. The sea was still very rough, and the weather was thick, with heavy snow. The lifeboat was launched for the second time a% 1.45 P.M. She directed the Royal Charter on the right course, andescorted her into harbour. The lifeboat arrived back at her station again at 2.15 P.M.—Rewards : First service, £20 ; second service, £19 9s..