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Edmond Hugo Stinnes

The Humber, Yorkshire.—On the morning of the 29th January the Spurn Point Royal Naval Shore Signal Station telephoned that the steamer Edmond Hugo Stinnes, of Hamburg, had sent out a wireless message that she was in distress, with a broken rudder, about thirty-five miles N.E. of the Humber.

A whole E. gale was blowing, with a very rough sea and heavy squalls of snow and hail. The motor life-boat City of Bradford II was launched at 8.35 A.M. She could not find any trace of the steamer, but at 3 P.M.

spoke a tug which had also answered the SOS. As the life-boat had not sufficient petrol on board to continue to search all night, she made for her station, arriving at 8.35 P.M. She had been twelve hours at sea under very bad conditions, being continually swept by the seas. It was afterwards learnt that the steamer had gone on her way. A special moneyaward was made to the members of the permanent paid crew, and the owners sent a letter of thanks and made a donation to the Institution.— Rewards, £7 Os. 3d.; Permanent paid crew..