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A Vessel (3)

Holy Island and North Sunderland, Northumberland.

—Early on the morning of the 28th February the coastguard reported to the Holy Island life-boat station that a vessel was in distress in Goswick Bay. A north-easterly hurricane was blowing, with an exceptionally heavy, breaking sea. The weatherwas intensely cold, with heavy snow showe'rs. The motor life-boat Milburn was launched at 5.30 A.M., but could not see anything, and the flares she sent up were unanswered. It was impossible for her to get back to Holy Island again in such weather, and she ran for the shelter of the Fame Islands.

On the way there a very big sea struck and completely filled her, causing some damage. . The coxswain was washed overboard, but he got a foot caught in the outside life-line, and was hauled back on board. After sheltering for an hour the coxswain decided to make for North Sunderland. She arrived about 1.30 P.M., and the North Sunderland motor life-boat W.R.A. was launched to see her safely through the very dangerous entrance. Both boats reached shore at 2.15 P.M. An increase of 80s. in the usual money award on the standard scale, 28s. 6d., was granted to each member of the crew of the Holy Island life-boat, and a further 20s. to the coxswain.—Rewards : Holy Island, £7519s. (including £30 3s. 2d. for clothing supplied at North Sunderland to the crew); North Sunderland, £13 19s..