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The S.S. Harvest Queen

Selsey, Sussex.—During the evening of the 15th November the coastguard reported red flares four miles S.W.

from the look-out. A strong W.S.W.

breeze was blowing, with a moderate swell. The motor life-boat Canadian Pacific was launched at 9.23 P.M., and found the s.s. Harvest Queen, of Newcastle- on-Tyne, steaming dead slow about five miles S.E. from Nab Tower.

She was bound from Shoreham to Portsmouth with a cargo of iron plates.

Her master asked the life-boat to stand by, as she had lost her steaming and starboard bow lights, her steeringgear was frequently breaking down, and she had lost her hatch covers, with the result that she was making a lot of water in the hold. The life-boat escorted her into Portsmouth, and returned to her station at 8.40 A.M. on the 16th.—Rewards, £22 11s. Sd..