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The S.S. Dunvegan

Troon, Ayrshire.—Early on the morning of the 27th October it was learned that a vessel, four or five miles south of Ayr harbour, was making distress signals. A whole W.N.W. gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea, and snow showers. The motor life-boat Sir David Richmond of Glasgow put out at 2.45 A.M., and found the vessel to bethe s.s. Dunvegan, of Liverpool, bound light for Ayr. Her master said that he was afraid that she would drag her anchors, and asked the life-boat to stand by until daylight. The life-boat stood by until the master said that his ship was all right, and returned to her station at 8.30 A.M.—Rewards, £12 6s. 3d..