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The Ostend Motor Trawler Roger Henri

North Sunderland, Northumberland.— At 2.55 A.M. on the 28th December the coastguard reported that the Longstone lighthouse was firing rockets. A strong S.S.E. breeze was blowing, with a rough sea, and the weather was very cold, with patches of fog. The motor life-boat W.R.A. was launched at 3.10 A.M., saw flares in the direction of the Knavestone Rock, and found the .Ostend motor trawler Roger Henri aground. The Roger Henri had a crew of six on board, and was bound with a cargo of fish from Moray Firth to Ostend. Her back was broken, and she was continually swept by heavy seas.

The life-boat got as near as possible on the lee side. Ropes were passed to the trawler and attached to her small boat, which was lying alongside. The boat was hauled to the life-boat, and by this means the six men were rescued. The life-boat returned to her station at 4.45 A.M. A letter of thanks wasreceived from the Belgian Government.

—Rewards, £19 55..